The International Coffee Organization ( ICO ) market report for December 2022 shows that its Composite Indicative Price (I-CIP) gained 0.3% from November to December 2022, averaging 157.19 US cents per pound for the latter, while the median value is 157.73 US cents per pound.
Average prices for all group indicators have remained stable , with a slight increase in December 2022.
The intraday volatility of the I-CIP decreased by 0.2 percentage points between November and December 2022, reaching 9.1 percent.
New York certified stocks increased by 46.6% over the previous month, closing at 0.87 million 60-kilogram bags, while certified Robusta coffee stocks reached 1.08 million 60-kilogram bags, representing a decrease of 25.5%.
Global exports of Green Coffee in November 2022 totaled 9.21 million bags , against 8.31 million in the same month of the previous year, an increase of 10.8%.
Brazilian Naturals green coffee exports rebounded sharply in November 2022, shooting up 34.5% to 3.67 million bags.
Exports of green coffee from Robustas amounted to 3.58 million bags in November 2022, against 3.17 million bags in November 2021.
In November 2022, South American exports of all forms of coffee increased by 4.7% to 4.96 million bags.
Exports of all forms of coffee from Asia and Oceania increased by 19% to 3.78 million bags in November 2022.
Total exports of all forms of coffee from Africa increased by 6.8% to 1.09 million bags in November 2022 from 1.02 million bags in November 2021.
In November 2022, exports of all forms of coffee from Mexico and Central America decreased by 7.1% to 0.41 million bags, compared to 0.45 million bags in November 2021.
The latest provisional estimate of total production in coffee year 2021/22 remains unchanged at 167.2 million bags, a decrease of 2.1% compared to 170.83 million bags in the previous coffee year.