The World of Carfé
Coffee is commercially produced in more than 50 countries, and more than 3 billion cups a day are consumed annually in the world. It is estimated that the annual income of the coffee sector exceeds 200 billion dollars .
As the number of coffee consumers continues to increase and producers work hard to keep up with demand, the coffee industry today faces unprecedented challenges and changing dynamics of command that drive change and adaptation. Business, as usual, is no longer an option.
The COVID-19 pandemic has hit actors across the coffee value chain hard and fast. Still recovering from the shock, they are banding together to survive and rebuild in a more sustainable way.
The effects of climate change , while certainly not new, are now more visible than ever – especially in producing countries, which are also the most vulnerable . There are environmental, social and economic inequalities within value chains.
Calls for fairer and more ethical trading systems have become a global priority, shaping consumer trends. Meanwhile, economic developments in some producing countries are changing the geography of consumption and have the world considering new trade models. New partnerships, technology and greater participation of women and youth are contributing to a constructive evolution of the coffee industry. They change the way we produce and consume coffee.
This was one of the reasons we chose the name ASANTE , which means Thank you in Swahili (Tanzania) and the Maconde people (Mozambique). We would like to thank the producers of this very good drink, as well as our customers and business partners, for visiting us and consuming our Speciality Coffees and Refinement Products.
In the next few posts we will produce, we will explore the main forces driving change in the coffee industry and what trends are emerging as a result.
Source:- https://www.intracen.org/